Hello Friends in Christ!
Welcome to the Concord University Newman Center. We are a faithful community of Catholics living as witnesses at Concord University. But one need not be Catholic to participate in our events, we are open to serving any and all in need.
Mass is open to all, especially Catholics and to those who would like to know more about the Catholic faith or experience a Catholic mass. Mass is held Sundays at 6 PM during the Fall and Spring semesters. Additionally, Bible study is held Thursday at 7 PM and is open to anyone who seeks to grow in faith, hope, and love by opening up the Divine Scriptures and beginning a pilgrimage through sacred history.

About Us
Concord University Newman Center is a welcoming faith group rooted in Catholic tradition. We are a group of individuals who strive to grow in faith, through the sacraments and service. Our ministry is open to all students, faculty and staff of Concord University and equally open to the Catholic residents and parishioners of Athens, Princeton, and Bluefield.
Our chaplains are Fr. Sebastian Devasya from the Sacred Heart parishes in Princeton and Bluefield, and Fr. Tran Chinh (also known as Fr. Joe) from St. Patrick in Hinton.
Mass: Sundays at 6 PM during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Reconciliation: Before or after Mass upon request.

Bible Study: Thursdays at 7 PM during the Fall and Spring semesters. All are welcome.
Reading Club: Ask the campus minister.
Retreats: Speak to the campus minister about the possibilities of faith retreats.
Service: Sacred Heart in Princeton and Bluefield are known for their charitable service to their communities. Food pantry volunteer service is available to any student who would like to serve their fellow brothers and sisters. You can talk to the campus minister or to Fr. Sebastian about helping with the Sacred Heart food pantry.